Monday, August 3, 2020

The Beauty in Kindness

Year 8-Day 216: Today, I am grateful for the beauty in kindness.

Kindness is beautiful. It is the young man allowing a senior citizen to take his arm to avoid a fall. It is the small child attempting to share an already licked lollipop. It is the grades school child who splits a pair of gloves to share with a friend who has none. Kindness softens every harsh corner. 

"Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you." -Ephesians 4:32

Choosing kindness can at times wrestle with our human nature. The truth is, the more we invite the Spirit's control, the less we struggle. It is absolutely a joy to pour out kindness on others when I am well rested and spiritually energized. Yet, for me, there are times of weakness. Weariness is when the choice to be kind is less natural and must become more intentional. In those seasons, prayer is a lifeline to renewal and restoration. 

Whatever comes your way this week, don't hesitate to pause. Remember, there is power in the "semicolon" moments where we wait upon the Lord. He never ignores us. He is waiting for our call. His heart if full of mercy and compassion. He wants our hearts to be like his.

Today, I am grateful for the beauty in kindness.

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