Sunday, August 9, 2020

No Water In The Boat


Year 8-Day 221: Today, I am grateful there is no water in the boat. 

"Ships don't sink because of the water around them; ships sink because of the water that gets in them. Don't let what's happening around you get inside you and weigh you down."

That is certainly a good message for these times. 

Each morning, we wake up to a new day... a fresh start... and a clean slate. Yesterday's mess ups and struggles may impact today, but much of that is a reflection of the power we give yesterdays failures. Do we let yesterday define us or refine us? 

I promise you, our God is looking for us to make revisions and refinements. He doesn't define us by who we were before we accepted His love and grace into our lives. He longs for us to grow wiser and do better. Some of our best refinements come from the times we really blow it. His mercy and forgiveness is deep and wide.

How many days do I look at the troubled waters around me... and in my own anxious moments... invite water into my own boat? Nervously rocking back and forth, the water slips into the boat. The water isn't that noticeable at first, but my feet get wet. I keep rocking. Fear escalates and so does discomfort. The back and forth motion gets bigger and more dangerous. I am prone to motion sickness, too. Ugh! Pure misery.

How do we keep the water out? The answer is one of my favorite passages:

“Be still, and know that I am God! I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” -Psalm 46:10

I have the first part of this scripture over my kitchen sink. The reminder to "Be still and know." is exactly what we need to do. When fear would have us frantic in the boat, because of a storm or rough seas, we are instructed to "be still". Practice the pause. Pray. Practice patience. Peek into the scriptures to perceive God's heart. 

Many question how God can love us and allow these turbulent times. The rest of his creation is driven by instinct and natural desires. He made us in "His image" so that we have the unique power to choose Him or reject him. He longs for us to love Him back.                          

My verse of the day is a lovely compliment. 

"“What is the price of five sparrows—two copper coins? Yet God does not forget a single one of them. And the very hairs on your head are all numbered. So don’t be afraid; you are more valuable to God than a whole flock of sparrows." -Luke 12:6-7

We matter to our Lord and King. He longs for us to trust him with our whole hearts. When it feels like there is "water in the boat", we can ask, "How did it get there"? Too many times, the discomfort and sinking feeling is a direct result of my own lack of trust or disobedience. 

Yes, bad things can and do happen to all of us. God didn't promise us exemption, but he promised we never need to feel alone or isolated. When the wind is whipping and the boat is rocking... we can stay safe and dry. Fear can interrupt us, keeping us from living out our best lives. 

We can trust His goodness and His care. As CS Lewis wrote so poetically: "He isn't always "safe" but he is always good." 

Our God is fierce. Remember the rest of Psalm 46:10? "I will be honored by every nation. I will be honored throughout the world.” He is clear about his expectations. 

Dad always said, "The grist mill wheels of God's judgment grinds slowly but infinitely fine." We can't outsmart God or his commandments. We can be still and know that he has the hairs on our heads counted and knows when even one sparrow falls. His attention to detail is rooted in omniscience. He is omnipotent. And, perhaps my favorite trait... He is omnipresent. 

Omnipresent means he is in the boat with us. No need for water in the boat. And, if it seems the boat is sinking... our Savior walks on water. 

Today, I am grateful there is no water in the boat. 

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