Friday, August 6, 2021

Correction Leads to Understanding

Daily Gratitude Year 9- Day 217: Today, I am grateful correction can lead to understanding. 

Most of us do not enjoy or relish correction. True? Although, correction delivered with encouragement, kindness and love can be very encouraging. It is how we gain understanding. 

"He who ignores discipline despises himself, but whoever needs correction gains understanding." -Proverbs 15:32

To love learning means being willing to accept correction. It is how we learn and grow. 

When I started playing the piano, Mama Ina Mae had her hands full with me. She admits she was probably harder on me than her other music students. She had high expectations. I was probably overly sensitive to her corrections. We made it work. Her one good ear was tack sharp. She could easily correct my mistakes from another room. 

In the beginning, I was very young and struggled to see the encouragement in her corrections. She had a desire to grow my skills. Correction is one of the ways we show love. I am grateful she didn't give up on me.

Today, I am grateful correction can lead to understanding.

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