Sunday, August 1, 2021

Sweet Corn


Daily Gratitude Year 9- Day 212: Today, I am grateful for sweet corn for dinner.

One of the best things about summer is the fresh food options. I love corn but nothing compares to fresh sweet corn eaten off the cob. It is summer perfection. The yellow color is fitting. It is a happy food. 

A little butter and your favorite seasoning... mine happens to be lemon pepper on sweet corn... and that is all you need on the table. Corn is the meal.

Corn is a significant chuck of the farm economy in the Midwest. It is used in many diverse ways. It was growing in the fields when the Europeans arrived. 

Corn was a part of the landscape when the Europeans arrived. They showed the settlers how to plant a "Three Sisters Garden". They planted the corn, beans and squash together. They had discovered that doing so meant better crops for each item. Today, we understand the importance of field rotations for the soil, the Native American. 

While the earth remains, seedtime and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, shall not cease.” -Genesis 8:22

A fertile land is a blessing. Land with sweet corn is a gift. 

Today, I am grateful it is sweet corn for dinner.

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