Monday, August 23, 2021


Daily Gratitude Year 9 - Day 235: Today, I am grateful kindness is worth the price.

"Imagine a world where everyone was kind." Sounds like heaven, right? 

We live in a world that is obsessed with rights. There is a difference between rights and freedom. Our country was dreamed up by men and women who believed in inalienable rights. Rights bestowed by God, not man. In those rights, there were dreams of a place where we would live freely and worship freely. From the beginning, there have been intellectual battles and physical battles. Man attempts to make things complicated. 

The scriptures remind us of simple truths... love and a gentle spirit are powerful weapons in the fight against the evil one.   

"For the Kingdom of God is not just a lot of talk; it is living by God’s power. Which do you choose? Should I come with a rod to punish you, or should I come with love and a gentle spirit?" - 1 Corinthians 4:20-21

Love and kindness flow from the heart of God when His Spirit is in us. I've often heard people say it doesn't cost anything to be kind. Unfortunately, there is a deeper truth. The times our kindness is most needed are the times we have to bite our tongues and swallow our pride. There are times being kind is far more important than being right. 

If you have parented a child... or even a fur baby... it is hard to watch them struggle and fail as they learn new skills. There are times we want to swoop in to save the day, instead of letting our beloved ones endure consequences and the trials in new learning. Life and love are a balancing act. 

A wise soul once taught me to never discipline in anger. Emotion driven consequences can lead to breaks in relationships. Consequences help us grow, but they must be dispensed with love and kindness to be most effective. 

Being kind does not mean always indulging and giving in to another's demands. Being kind means intentionally choosing to respond with gentleness instead of feeding the need to be right. It is a constant struggle, but worth the effort. 

Today, I am grateful kindness is worth the price.

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