Tuesday, August 24, 2021

The Value of a Letter


Daily Gratitude Year 9 - Day 236: Today, I am grateful for the value of a letter. 

I know the cost of postage continues to rise. Still, there is something about a handwritten letter that can't be replaced by any of the modern conveniences. Phone messages are great until a device becomes outdated or a message is lost. A letter is a keepsake. Precious and priceless. 

This is my cousin, Molly's youngest. Alyssa is quite the personality. She knows what she likes and what she doesn't. Her cousin, Chase, is one of her favorite people on the planet. Chase is her cousin on her Daddy's side of the family (not our Chase). He just graduated from Central High School and is doing Navy Boot Camp as we speak. 

Chase, apparently, made a video before he left for Alyssa to watch over and over again while he was gone. She has never gone this long without seeing him. She adores him and his absence creates a hole in her life. Today, she received a letter in the mail. Her name was on the envelope. Look at her face!!! Pure joy. He took the time to send special mail that was just for her. I had to share this image today. 

It reminded me of the value of a handwritten letter. Keeping in touch is priceless, but to be able to hold something in your hand that the sender held is special. I loved sending letters as a teen. The sending and the receiving... both were a delight to the soul. There was something magical about knowing someone you cared about would open it, read it, read it again and tuck it away for safekeeping. 

I know that Molly's nephew is treasuring any mail he receives while away at training. I pray his heart is encouraged. When he sees this picture of his little cousin, he will know it was worth the time to put pen to paper. I know it will be forever treasured.  

I am reminded of the letters shared between the early church. They offered guidance, hope, encouragement and news of fellow believers. 

"Dear brothers and sisters, I close my letter with these last words: Be joyful. Grow to maturity. Encourage each other. Live in harmony and peace. Then the God of love and peace will be with you." 2 Corinthians 13:11

Don't forget to share the good news of the Gospel. Share it in letters and in songs. Share it because it changes lives.  The letters in the New Testament are a wonderful place to learn and grow. The message is timeless. The hope is sure. We can count on our Lord to come through. We can trust the letters in The Word.  

Today, I am grateful for the value of a letter. 

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