Daily Gratitude Year 10-Day 341: Today, I am grateful to believe.
She was an ordinary girl. She would probably tell you she was nothing special. She was betrothed (serious business in the ancient Jewish culture). The betrothal was "all but married". Still, they followed the rules closely .
He prepared a place for her. She prepared items for their home. He was a carpenter, so we can guess their furniture was a little more special than the items. He knew how to work the wood. We know nothing of her stitching and cooking skills.
We know they were of humble means. When they took Jesus to the temple to be dedicated to the Lord (the custom for a first born son), they offered the sacrifice of the poor.
So they offered the sacrifice required in the law of the Lord—“either a pair of turtledoves or two young pigeons.” -Luke 2:24
Their offering declared their position. Poor. But, they were not without hope. They were not without belief. They heard the shepherds tell the story of the angels who sang of the Christ-child's birth. They knew there was a star in the sky to guide those who believed. Those who made the journey found them... they found Him.
It is not so different today. We must still choose to believe. We must look for His light in a world full of darkness. When we believe, we find new life. A life fuller and richer than we dared to imagine. Every step close to the door we know as death, is one step closer to the reality of eternity with him.
Will you make the journey? First, you must believe.
"Jesus told her, “I am the resurrection and the life. Anyone who believes in me will live, even after dying." -John 11:25
Today, I am grateful to believe.
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