Sunday, May 29, 2022

Memorial Day

Daily Gratitude Year 10- Day 149: Today, I am grateful for Memorial Day. 

This is the scripture that so often comes to mind when we remember those who left for service to our country, and returned with a military escort, an honor guard, a folded flag, a rifle salute and "Taps" on the bugle. My heart can barely take in the weight of the moment. 

We mark this day every year, so we don't forget. Freedom is not free.

Wars are never pretty. There are great losses on both sides of any battle. Brothers and sisters in service share the burden. Sometimes, there are losses during service that are not in battle. Training accidents. Unexpected deaths due to medical events. 

When the letter arrives to loved ones at home, there are no words for the ache. It is deep and wide. 

"There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends." -John 15:13

When a life is lost in battle, there is almost always a story. The ones who live on because of a brother or sister's sacrifice. It is good to take time for the stories. Write them down so your children's children might know. 

In Joshua 4, Joshua instructed the Israelites to put up stones of remembrance so their children would have a reason to ask what the stones meant. When they asked, they were reminded of God's faithfulness, protection and the miracles performed on their behalf. 

"When your children ask in time to come, ‘What do those stones mean to you?"... so that all the peoples of the earth may know that the hand of the Lord is mighty, that you may fear the Lord your God forever.” -Joshua 4:7 & 24

Whatever your plans for Memorial Day may bring, remember the one who gave all. He left the comfort of Heaven and acted as Heaven's Special Forces. He took on the uniform of human skin with all of its limitations. Still, he was without sin. He became the perfect lamb, whose blood would be shed as the shofar blew declaring the Passover Lamb had been slain. 

Thank a soldier or sailor. Pray for the safety of those currently serving. Pray for the wisdom of our leaders making decisions that could change a young service person's life forever.

Today, I am grateful for Memorial Day. 

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