Wednesday, October 13, 2021

A Name


Daily Gratitude Year 9 - Day 286: Today, I am grateful for a name. 

This image references a classic Steve Miller Band song, "The Joker". It has a great beat. It gets stuck in your head with Earworm singing. It is part of the soundtrack of my youth.

 "I'm just going to put Steve on the cup." That's funny. 

The names we answer to are determined by many seasons in our lives. Some of us had nicknames younger siblings gave us because they could not say our full name. Some of them stick for a lifetime. My cousin, Angie, renamed my Aunt Denise "Niecy" when she and my Uncle Bob were dating. We all latched on to it with great affection. We still call her by that moniker. 

What do you like to be called? I must confess, "Space Cowgirl" does have a ring to it, although my natural inclination to motion sickness means I won't be taking off in a rocket any time soon. I know I prefer Valerie to any shortened version of my name. "Erie" would have been far more interesting... I actually kind of like it... but no one thought of it. "Val" always felt like an ill-fitting pair of shoes.  Names really do help us define ourselves. 

One of my all time favorite scriptures is: 

“Well,” they replied, “some say John the Baptist, some say Elijah, and others say Jeremiah or one of the other prophets.” Then he asked them, “But who do you say I am?”  Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.” -Matthew 16:14-16

Peter is the first to boldly declare that Jesus was the Messiah, the Son of the Living God. He was "The One" that had been prophesied. He was who they were waiting for. He was a part of the great I AM. God incarnate was walking with them through ordinary days. Things would never be ordinary again. 

It was important that they figured out who He was. 

Jesus would be called by many different names. My personal favorite is "Yeshua". Just saying it feels personal and intimate. Yeshua speaks to the relationship. It means deliver or savior. 

What name is your favorite? When you kneel before God at the end of your life, to be called a faithful son, daughter or servant is something a believer thinks about when anticipating heaven. But when He calls you by name... what will that name be? 

Today, I am grateful for a name. 

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