Monday, October 25, 2021

No Surrender


Daily Gratitude Year 9 - Day 298: Today, I am grateful our God has a no surrender policy.

"While it looks like things are out of control, behind the scenes there is a God who has not surrendered His authority.? -AW Tozer

In all of my years on the planet, I don't recall a time when humans have been so collectively weary. The AW Tozer quote struck a chord. What a calming reminder that no matter the situation or the circumstance, our God has not surrendered His authority. 

When we belong to him, we can know beyond a shadow of a doubt that He will not give us up to the enemy. Those who long to destroy our souls will be thwarted. They cannot win against His plan. 

When sitting in the middle of a mess, it is hard to see how the pieces will fit together, but they always do. We need only to wait on the Lord. Wait. Easier said than done, right? 

I found these to scriptures encouraging today:

"Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.' -"Psalm 27:14

"For all creation is waiting eagerly for that future day when God will reveal who his children really are." -Romans 8:19

In the ESV translation of the Bible, "wait" can be found 133 times. In the NLT, there are 160 "waits". In the NIV, 129 times, "wait" appears. Any way you slice it, waiting is a part of this faith walk we choose when we say "Yes." and make him Lord of our lives. 

While waiting, we build endurance. Patience is a beautiful quality. It is a fruit of the Spirit. We have a God with a no surrender policy, but we try to direct His path, instead of the other way around. His authority is solid, sound and true. His compassion and mercy are profound. His heart is tender to those who bow their heads in surrender and offer up their lives as a living sacrifice. He is our "best yes". Nothing can pull us from His grasp when we hold on to His hand.

Today, I am grateful our God has a no surrender policy.

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